Mrs. Black's

Multicultural Activities

Korean Thematic Unit 

1.   Spelling words -the Korean symbols on the South Korean flag.
2.   Locate South Korea on the map and design a folder with the South Korean flag on it.
3.   Read Korean folktales like "The Korean Cinderella" by Shirley Climo. It has some lovely illustrations  of          danchong (decorative art). "The Bird with the Broken Leg" retold by Betsy Franco.  Work in cooperative groups     to retell the story as a puppetshow. Make your own scenery and puppets.
Make your own danchongs out of wool and oaktag. Write Han-gul ( Korean alphabet) using a calligraphy set of pens.
4.   Visit a website and show the class how to navigate through the web to find the site of  a South Korean elementary school.
5.  Read a Korean counting book and as a followup make illustrated counting books
6.  Two Korean songs....Parangsai ( Bluebird ) and HakyoJong (School Bells).
7.   The culmination of this unit is a visit from Dr. Koh. He is a surgeon at Johns Hopkins Hospital.

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Peruvian Thematic Unit

  1. Spelling Assignment....words related to Peru
  3. Volcano study
  4. Craft activity..each student makes a  quipo out of different pieces of wool and uses it to relay a message to a parent ("Mailbox Magazine")
  5. Language Activity.... students make a hanging mobile that displaystheir goals. This was a followup after hearing "Moon Rope" by Lois Ehlert (idea from "Mailbox Magazine")
  6. Peruvian folktales
  7. Slide show of Peru
  8. Listen to Peruvian music and learn about the instruments
  9. Design a travel brochure of Peru
  10. Tasting Experience..sampl a typical Peruvian dish...Papa a la Huarcaina ("Mailbox Magazine")
  11. Learn about the Incas through a slide show and books
  12. Write  an informational story about Peru
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Cooperative Learning Activities

Postcard Geography

This delightful project is led by Leni Donlan. It is part of ESH Project Leader's Consortium.You can get all the information for this project at PostCard Geography . What a wonderful way to learn about our community, and other communities! I learned about this activity at Tammy Payton's excellent website



Petrus is a stuffed animal that comes from South Africa and will be visiting different schools for a week. He will have with him an information pack for every class involved in the project along with materials from his community. The host class will exchange the info-pack for similiar things in their home town. The classes involved will be asking questions to the host about their community. They will get answers via e-mail. Petrus will return home to South Africa on June 14,1998. He will have so many stories to tell his family about his travels throughout the world. Petrus will have a homepage that will record his experiences. As soon as this page is up I will provide the URL so that you can keep up with his journeys and learn about different communities.

 This coordinater of this project is
Rolien Nunn
[email protected]
P.O.Box 4292
South Africa

International Peace Museum

The objective of this project is to think about peace and the importance of it. This project fits in perfectly with  a unit on Martin Luther King. After reading books about Dr. King, the children will decide what peace means to them and write a simple statement or poem and illustrate it. One entry from each class will be put on a Peace web site. Visit the Kids' Peace Museum.The Clinton Avenue Elementary School can be found in the North Wing. Dana's work is in this museum along with students in other classes in our school and The Boyle Road School. It is nice to see Comsewogue School represented in such a wonderful museum!

Mexican Thematic Unit


  1. Spelling Assignment....words related to Mexico...An Internet site address to view at home,  later given a printed copy of this URL Art of Mexican Native Children
  3. Filmstrip on Mexico
  4. Craft activity..each student makes a piñata for our fiesta. While they make their piñata listen to fiesta music to get in the mood!
  5. Language Activity.... The students read books on the history, culture, and customs of Mexico
  6. As a reading lesson they read some folktales and wrote their own
  7. Video of Mexico...
  8. Maya Weaving Designs....idea from "Mexico A Literature-Based Multicultural Unit" Evan-Moor
  9. Learnsome Spanish words and count from one to ten in Spanish
  10. Mexican Fiesta....have a  tasting party of Mexican foods, design placemats, and listen to Mexican Music
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Thematic Unit on China

  1. Spelling Assignment....words related to China
  2. Geography...famous rivers and mountains in China
  3. Panda about Pandas; the movie The Amazing Panda Adventure
  4. Craft Chinese New Year horoscopes
  5. Language Activity.... students read many Chinese folktales and do various writing activities. Enjoyed"Lon Po Po" by Ed Young ( A Red-Riding Hood story from China) Various creative writing followup activies are found in "Multicultural Legends and Tales" by Vowery Dodd Carlile
  6. Write poems and stories about China
  7. Listen to an informative tape on China . This tape is  part of a "Culture Kit on China" by Linda Scher and Mary Oates Johnson
  8. Listen to Chinese music and learnabout the instruments
  9. Write Chinese characters with a calligraphy set from China
  10. Teach about  the Chinese New Year with books and objects that I collected from Chinatown in San Francisco
  11. Make Lucky Money Envelopes with secret messages for their classmates to guess
  12. Math activities that involve Chinese New Years datesW
  13. Web sites on China and the Chinese New Year
  14. Video "BigBird in China"
  15. Work with tanagram puzzles; Read "Grandfather Tang's Story "
  16. photos of Chinese Buddest temples and burned incense during our luncheon in class
  17. Learn how to eat with chopsticks
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