Part V
Especially for Educators Interested in Multicultural Education
General Interest
Opening the Conference Gates to K-12 and Worldwide Educators. In 1997, the Global SchoolNet Well Connected Educator project carried this exciting piece on how to conduct academic conferences entirely online.
Multicultural Studies
Notes from the Pacific Rim, a column on East Asia in the electronic literary magazine Webgeist
Asia-Pacific Exchange Electronic Journal, from Vol. 3, No. 1, articles by Steve McCarty, full Professor in Japan
International Education Webzine, from the Teachers Internet Pages, TIPS
What's New in WWW Asian Studies Online Newsletter, from Australia
Japan Journal of Multilingualism and Multiculturalism
Bilingualism and Japanology Intersection, links to about 40 of Professor McCarty's online works
Individual Cultures
Revalorizing General Education and TEFL in Japan, from the Teaching in the Community Colleges (Electronic) Journal, by Steve McCarty
Discussion Lists
East-West Discourse Page, Asia-Pacific discussion lists and more