Gail Black's

Multicultural Connection
Hi! My name is Gail Black, and I am a Academic Coach for the Baltimore City Public School System, Maryland. I have been a teacher for almost thirty years. My hobbies are traveling, bicycling, and hiking in beautiful places. While traveling , biking, or hiking I take photographs which I incorporate in my lessons.  Using  photos helps my students with the images they need to broaden their perspective of other people and places.

 I believe children should be exposed to many cultures .  Teaching with a multicultural perspective* encourages appreciation  of other cultures as well as one's own.  However, children must also be taught tolerance of all cultural groups.  The teacher must devote as much effort to adjusting attitudes as s/he devotes to learning about culture.  As our country continues to exhibit great diversity, the need for understanding and accepting the differences among all people has never been more important.  Through a multicultural educational perspective, I hope to instill in my students a love and respect for our planet and its inhabitants.

I have developed this Web site not only to share my thoughts about multicultural education, but to aid the visitor in easy access to many of the sites available on multiculturalism and teaching tolerance. Before you leave you may want to visit some of My Special Places on the Web or get a glimpse of activities I use in my classroom. Thank you for coming, and please visit again.


*This site is dedicated to Dr. Joan Sattler, instructor College of Notre Dame of Maryland.  ....for cultivating my multicultural perspective.

********I have included a Table of Contents for your convenience. Many of these now-extensive links are cross-referenced with modified descriptions. If you're looking for a history-related site, for instance, you may click on the history link under school subjects. But it's almost guaranteed that you'll find that link again in other areas--among them, geography and individual cultures.

Hopefully, my decision to provide these cross-references will alleviate the potential problem of your losing a great link you had intended to remember. For your added convenience, each page in My Special Places has a link back to this Table of Contents. Enjoy!

Great Multicultural Sites to Visit

Worthwhile multicultural sites from a combination of educational, nonprofit, government, or commercial avenues. Some of these avenues will be individual cultures; others will be many cultures. All are outstanding!

Individual Cultures

Specific School Subjects


Languages other than English

Science and Outer Space




Miscellaneous Super Stops Along the Way

Articles and Discussions for Educators
